Incorporate Control Unleashed into Your Training!

November 2nd, 2024 3:00 - 7:00pm

Control Unleashed by Leslie McDevitt is a popular training system used by trainers all over the world. You have probably heard of, and even used some of the popular games from this system! In this workshop, Megan Wallace, CCUI (Certified Control Unleashed Instructor) and mentor for the CCUI program, will cover all the basics of this training system, from relaxation to Pattern Games. We will discuss how to apply these concepts to a variety of cases. If you are looking for new ways to help your clients, add new tools to your toolbox, and tap into an effective and innovative training system, this workshop is for you! 

Megan Wallace (She/her), B.S., CNWI, CCUI

Owner & Head Trainer at NoCo Unleashed!

Who is this workshop for? Professional dog trainers - whatever that means for you!

When: November 2nd, 2024 3:00pm - 7:00pm

Where: The Summit Dog Training Facility at 2906 E. Mulberry Street, Fort Collins, CO.

Learning Objectives:

1) Gain an understanding of the Control Unleashed system as a whole.

2) Learn to apply specific games and strategies for various behavioral concerns.

3) Understand the process for becoming a CCUI and the benefits. 

More details:

This workshop will have WORKING & AUDITING SPOTS.

WORKING spots will be practicing various Control Unleashed games and receive implementation strategies, feedback, and tips! Dogs will need to be able to be crated quietly near their handler for the duration of the workshop. 

AUDITING spots will be encouraged to ask questions and participate in discussion as well!

Tuition: WORKING SPOT = $175 , AUDITING SPOT = $90

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