Fine-tune your dog’s skills with Level 3 Training Classes!

Group dog training classes in Fort collins, CO

Level 3 advanced obedience Fort Collins group dog training classes summit dog training Colorado

Image Description: A map of Summit’s group class levels, with a red pin labeled “You Are Here” on Level 3.


If you’ve graduated one or more Level 2 classes, you are ready to level up your dog’s skills with a Level 3 class!

Our Level 3 classes focus on developing advanced dog skills and refining your and your dog’s relationship to support you through more challenging adventures!

    • Level 2 Class Graduation with Summit - You must complete at least one Level 2 class within our program before advancing to a Level 3 class. This is to set all of our students up for success and allow our Level 3 classes to be focused on advanced skills. If you enroll in a Level 3 class as your first service with us, we will ask you to reschedule to a Level 2 class first.

    If you believe that you and your dog warrant an exception to this policy based on your previous training together, please contact us before enrolling in a Level 3 class to obtain instructor approval!

Level 3 classes are offered on these topics:

You can take one or more of these classes (in any order) before moving on to Level 4.

local dog training fort collins adventure advanced life skills canine good citizen CGC therapy dog certification

Colorado Canine Good Citizen

Colorado Canine Good Citizen class builds upon the skills from our Level 2 Life Skills classes to equip you and your dog with the advanced skills needed to navigate your Colorado adventures with confidence, including advanced leash walking, recalls, polite greetings, and public manners. This class will prepare you and your dog for the Canine Good Citizen and Canine Good Citizen Advanced evaluations, and teams that are ready can complete these evaluations during class.

4 Weeks - $225

local dog training fort collins adventure advanced life skills intro to rally obedience
Drink with your dog brewery manners dog training fort collins Colorado


Rally Obedience is a fun dog sport that refines your dog's engagement with you, ability to follow complex cues, and heeling/leash walking skills.  It also gives you, the human handler, the opportunity to practice your clear communication and navigating a course of challenges in partnership with your dog.  This class is for those who want to work on advanced dog handling and training in a fun and engaging way!

Click here to learn more about Rally Obedience at Summit!

4 Weeks - $225 

Drink With Your Dog® Brewery Manners

Take your dog's basic skills to the next level and help him or her become the best brewery buddy ever! This super fun class is taught IN A BREWERY and focuses on all the essential skills for being a great brewery buddy - focus around distractions, sleeping under the table, NOT stealing your beer, and more!

4 Weeks - $225

You can take one or more of these classes (in any order) before moving on to Level 4.
Many of our students and their dogs benefit from taking several of these topical classes (in any order) before moving on to Level 4.

What will you & your dog learn in a Level 3 class?

Click each + to learn more about what is covered in each Level 3 Class!

  • Level 3 Canine Good Citizen Class Learning Objectives

    ​​Teaching you about advanced training skills, including the Canine Good Citizen evaluation and first steps towards therapy dog work, and teaching your dog above-average manners for whatever fun activities you want to tackle together next!

    This is a summary of our learning objectives for this class. We adjust the curriculum depending on the unique needs of our individual students - and each week there is always time for your Q & A!

    Human Learning Objectives: Learning about the Canine Good Citizen Evaluation & Future Therapy Dog Goals

    • Setting up advanced manners practice opportunities for your dog’s success

    • Understanding the components of the Canine Good Citizen Evaluation

    • Exploring therapy dog work as a potential career for your dog, and the skills necessary to become a Therapy Dog team

    Dog Learning Objectives: Above-Average Manners & Skills

    • Building on skills from previous levels for more advanced manners to Complete the Requirements of the AKC Canine Good Citizen & Canine Good Citizen Advanced Evaluations

    • Advanced leash walking, coming when called, sit & down stays, polite greetings, body handling, and more.

  • Level 3 Intro to Rally Obedience Learning Objectives

    ​​Teaching you and your dog about advanced training skills and the dog sport of Rally Obedience, whether you plan to compete or just fine-tune your training skills for other adventures!

    This is a summary of our learning objectives for this class. We adjust the curriculum depending on the unique needs of our individual students - and each week there is always time for your Q & A!

    Human Learning Objectives: Learning about the dog sport of Rally Obedience

    • Understanding the components of navigating a Rally course & learning the Rally signs.

    • Reducing reliance on cues like your leash and treats in order to navigate a Rally course together.

    • Supporting your dog to advanced skills like precision heeling and prompt cue responses necessary for Rally - and other adventures!

    Dog Learning Objectives: Rally Obedience Skills

    • Tight heeling & pivot turns for navigating through obstacles (in real life or a Rally Obedience course) with teamwork

    • Responding to cues promptly and working despite distractions

    • Endurance of training skills for completing many requests from you in sequence between reinforcement opportunities - useful both in the Rally course and beyond!

    To see what Rally Obedience looks like, check out this video!

  • Level 3 Drink With Your Dog® Brewery Manners Class Learning Objectives

    ​​Teaching you the essentials of visiting a brewery with your dog, and teaching your dog the skills for being an excellent brewery companion!

    Human Learning Objectives: Teaching Brewery Manners

    • Understanding the components of a successful brewery visit with your dog

    • Advocating for your dog’s needs in the brewery setting

    • Going above and beyond to be respectful brewery guests when visiting with your dog

    • Supporting your dog to making good behavior choices throughout your brewery visit

    Dog Learning Objectives: Brewery Manners Life Skills

    • Settle on a mat with brewery distractions!

    • Calm & polite greetings with lots of friendly strangers

    • Leash walking through a crowded brewery space - while you are carrying a beer!

    • Self-control skills while passing other dogs, food, and other distractions

Let’s Get Scheduled for a Level 3 class!

Ready to Level Up?!

You and your dog can move up to Level 4 when:

  • Level 3 Class Graduation with Summit - You must complete at least one Level 3 class within our program before advancing to a Level 4 class. Please note that the next level of Rally Obedience at Level 4 (Rally Novice) specifically requires completion of the Level 3 Intro to Rally class first.

Graduates of Level 2 and up are invited to join our monthly drop-in Training Trek excursions! Practice your training skills in real-life environments on mini-adventures around Fort Collins.